Join Pipper on her tail-wagging Snoutz adventure in search of the secret ingredient to the perfect treat.
Meet Pipper’s loyal friends and the characters she encounters as she gallops across desert dunes in a camel race, pedals her way through the streets of Paris, chases through the cars of the Orient-Express, joins rock-and-roll fans at Katz’s New York deli, and climbs the Inca Trail – all with Bumbles Brug on her tail. Contemptible Bull Bogus, who is determined to find the secret ingredient first, hired the clumsy flunky Bumbles to do his dirty work. Will Pipper succeed and keep the secret ingredient from the paws of Bumbles and Bogus? And what surprise awaits when she returns home from her travels? This Snoutz adventure is better than a T-bone on a desert island after a romp in the waves.
Meet Pipper’s Friends
- Sidney is a mail carrier (and wannabe rock star)
- Sophie is a librarian (She reads more than anyone Pipper knows.)
- Hilda is a firefighter (and a daredevil)
- Archibald is a designer/inventor (He invents cool things to make life easier. Do you have a never-empty water bowl, too?)
- Chance is a personal trainer (and professional worrywart)
And the Bad Guys

Bull Bogus

Bumbles Brug